Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bio Lab Cellular Respiration

a couple of weeks ago was a birthday, thanks to everyone who greeted me: D

Sunday, April 22, 2007

How To Jailbreak Sidekick 08 For Free

The conciertooooooooooooooooo!! Chile Aerofuerza


Walmart Wrangler Low Cut

But look at that thing but soberbiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
The Chilean Aerofuerza

This was when we were on the reel the night before the concert in Buenos Aires.
: D

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cocky Athletic Quotes

My kind of heaven

... lies in hell's back door.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why Did Razer Discontinue The Tarantula


was lowered and the car door was loud. Outside, the rain falling. I followed his eyes as he ran towards the entrance of your home.

I found myself spontaneously
releasing a sigh of relief ...

never met someone so smug.

... finally went away.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Should You Master Bait?

great big white world of Los Ríos Region

In space the stars are no nearer
They just glitter like a morgue
And I dreamed I was a spaceman
Burned like a moth in a flame
And our world was so fucking gone

But Im not attached to your world
Nothing heals and nothing grows

Because its a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves,
We used to love one another
All my stitches itch
My prescriptions low, I wish you
Were queen
Just for today
In a world so white what else could I say?

And hell was so cold
All the vases are so broken
And the roses tear our hands all open
Mother mary miscarry
But we pray just like insects
The world is so ugly now Because

its a great big white world And We Are
drained of Our colors
We Used to love ourselves,
We Used To Love One Another
All my stitches itch
My prescriptions low, I wish you Were queen

Just for today In a world so white what else Could I say?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Why Does Your Testicles Hurt When You Bend Over

Greetings to all Valdivia Valdivia and reading this blog: D


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ruptured Cyst And Sore Breasts

Punishment pending Orphan

Black night, dark night,
and a river of tears
deafening in my ears. Farewells

forever. Wind

nostalgia amid freezing fog

Farewells for ever.

many paths crossed,
and separate memories. So many fires

many times sealed.
many times past,
... forgotten in a cold basement. Farewells

latent fears
and dissidents.

outstanding penalties are a lying heart.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Cars Agreement Letter

Daniel Unplugged Summer

Hi all, I know I'm a bit lost, sorry for all that I have not been able to respond. March will be a tough month! ... but it is only March.

L @ s
miss tod @ s! ... Again!

(I'm running more than James Bond: P)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dress Shirt An Tie Untucked

"What happened to your arm?

"I burned.

- And how you burned?

"In the kitchen

-Oooooh. What hurts?

"At first yes, but now not so much.
But I was super ugly scar.

"Well, actually yes.
You have to be careful.


"Yes. The kitchen is a dangerous place

"Well, hot pans can be dangerous.

And pans.

And the boiling oil,
can cause major injuries.

"In the kitchen there

boiling water, and gas.

-The gas could explode!



-also there in the kitchen detergents

-The dish soap?

-Si. Can become toxic,
if ingested in large quantities.

also in some kitchens are no solvents. Now that is toxic.

-Y! if by chance you
something metal is in the microwave may explode.

, and operates throughout the kitchen.

, and also exploits the
gas is in the kitchen!

-a hidden threat.

-a latent threat.

"And do not forget the radiation emitted by microwave

, can cause cancer.

-or you can burn alive.

-oh yeah. I saw on the news that
used the same principle to build a military weapon.
about microwave
metals are almost as dangerous as eggs.


"Yes. If you put a boiled egg in the microwave
, while removing it could explode.

"Good thing you told me. I did not.

"You have to be careful.
lot can happen in the kitchen.

-Ah .... The other day I cut my finger with a

-How dangerous!

"And that's not all! and the opener, a kitchen

is full of sharps.



"True. "Look

kitchens that are dangerous.

-Lo pensaré antes de entrar a la mía.

-Una cocina puede llegar
a ser una trampa mortal

-Oooh... Podría morir.

-Apuesto a que no
lo habías pensado.

-Nunca antes.

-Trampas mortales.

-Es verdad.

-Es verdad.

-Hoy pediré una Pizza.

-Yo pedí una ayer.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Can You Fix Bubble Lights


si algo nos ha enseñado Rocky...

...es que siempre puede haber una secuela más...

...mañana Jueves, al estreno!!!...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Game Blunt Company Number

caught the rhino! I want a shirt

jojojo ... Now to celebrate the Id: D
Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 26, 2007

For 8 Characters How Many Combinations


More than a joke, is a statement. Sometimes it

that one can only call you to fix computers.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lorna Morgan Weight Gain 2010


... it was invented the nickname "Santiasco" to the city of Santiago ...

I will make one thing clear:


... No one is forcing you to come here.


... I am ... and heart.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Do Polycystic Ovaries Hurt

No problem! Bring

No problem!

seems that everyone here in Santiago went on vacation.

You see the news and all news are a blend of:

1) international soccer
2) accident several
3) report in the summer at some spa
4) report to the youth participating in the public highway in some spa

went to holiday entertainment!

... and it seems that journalists too .. if you do not believe me, look at the cover of LUN ...

... and one here ...
working ... working ...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How To Get Rid Of The Blocked Nose Voice

Aerosmith to CHILE!

More information here