"What happened to your arm?
"I burned.
- And how you burned?
"In the kitchen
-Oooooh. What hurts?
"At first yes, but now not so much.
But I was super ugly scar.
"Well, actually yes.
You have to be careful.
"Yes. The kitchen is a dangerous place
"Well, hot pans can be dangerous.
And pans.
And the boiling oil,
can cause major injuries.
"In the kitchen there
boiling water, and gas.
-The gas could explode!
-also there in the kitchen detergents
-The dish soap?
-Si. Can become toxic,
if ingested in large quantities.
also in some kitchens are no solvents. Now that is toxic.
-Y! if by chance you
something metal is in the microwave may explode.
, and operates throughout the kitchen.
, and also exploits the
gas is in the kitchen!
-risk -a hidden threat.
-a latent threat.
"And do not forget the radiation emitted by microwave
, can cause cancer.
-or you can burn alive.
-oh yeah. I saw on the news that
used the same principle to build a military weapon.
about microwave
metals are almost as dangerous as eggs.
"Yes. If you put a boiled egg in the microwave
, while removing it could explode.
"Good thing you told me. I did not.
"You have to be careful.
lot can happen in the kitchen.
-Ah .... The other day I cut my finger with a
-How dangerous!
"And that's not all! and the opener, a kitchen
is full of sharps.
"True. "Look
kitchens that are dangerous.
-Lo pensaré antes de entrar a la mía.
-Una cocina puede llegar
a ser una trampa mortal
-Oooh... Podría morir.
-Apuesto a que no
lo habías pensado.
-Nunca antes.
-Trampas mortales.
-Es verdad.
-Es verdad.
-Hoy pediré una Pizza.
-Yo pedí una ayer.